In The New York Times een mooie column van Gail Collins met de titel The Donald Trump Days of Christmas. Ze kijkt knarsetandend naar de Republikeinse worstelingen om de uitdager van Clinton te nomineren. Ze moet niet veel van Trump hebben, wie wel? Nou ja, toch behoorlijk wat Amerikanen lijken de man geschikt te vinden om de red button te beheren. Maar prachtig die laatste zin van onderstaande alinea: Maybe he figures he can become president just by branding it.
The Trump campaign is a new phenomenon. He mainly flies around on his planes, speaks at big rallies and calls into radio and TV news talk shows. Trump brags out his lack of interest in fund-raising, but he doesn't seem to be spending much of his own money, either. This is a guy whose great keys to fortune were inheriting real estate and putting his name on things that other people often paid for. Maybe he fugures he can become president just by branding it.Vervolgens ziet ze nog ongeveer zes kandidaten die echter een voor een af lijken te gaan vallen. Vernietigend dat zinnetje over Jeb Bush, who was last seen wandering around New Hampshire, reminding people how many times he's been there.
That brings us down to six people, one of which is Ben Carson, who's fading fast. Also Jeb Bush, who was last seen wandering around New Hampshire, reminding poeple how many times he's been there. At this point in the political cycle, if you're a desparate candidate you go somewhere cold and try to get the population to fall in love with you just because they've had so many opportunities to hake your trembling, frostbitten hand.En tot slot stelt ze vast dat met Donald Trump deze campagne is ontaard in een strijd waarin de belediging een nieuwe standaard heeft bereikt.
Ted Cruz is doing something along that line in Iowa, where he's ahead. But he's also moved into a clear second place in the polls, terrifying the party establishment and many Republican billionaifre donors, who regard Cruz as an obnoxious self-promoting egomaniac. There is nothing the oligarch class hates more than egomaniacs.
The big donors appear to be particularly fond of senator Marco Rubio, the attractive, 44-year-old Floridian who has done very well in the debates. The other candidates find Rubio's popularity irritating, particularly since he hasn't been campaigning all that hard. Or doing anything else, it appears. Trump called Rubio a sweaty underachiever "with no money, zero". This is, if nothing else, a campaign where the insults are meeting a new norm. Thanks almost entirely to the front runner.Gail Collins sluit af met een pastiche
On the seventh day of Christmas he gave to you and me..Ik begin me zorgen te maken.
Seven Mexican rapists
Six terrorist refugees
Thousands of Muslims partying on 9/11!
Four "loser" opponents
Hillary-bathroom sniping
Two birther rants
And a bromance with Vladimir Putin.
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